Business Card Holders

My business cards are a constant nightmare for me. I never seem to keep them straight, I can’t figure out whether or not I’m doing the right thing by holding onto them in the original card box they come from (I used to print my business cards) and I am always on the search for a beautiful business card holder.

Furla Business card holder

Furla Business card holder

I always like something that I can translate into something I would want to keep for a while — like this Furla leather card wallet, which looks like it can stand the test of time.

For something a little more simple and practical, I prefer the look of those antique cigarette boxes — silver, metallic, sleek, but still a statement. It’s lovely because it feels as though you’re in Mad Men. You don’t know if someone will pull out their business card, or simply offer you a drag.

For something entirely practical, this business card holder can load up business cards with a flick of a thumb. In seconds, you can go from shmooze to close. It’s a little futuristic, almost as if Neo would carry it if he went to networking events, but still really fun!

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Aneesha Rao